Drilbur has come to the attention of Pokemon GO's general playerbase once again following the announcement of the upcoming Sustainability Week event. In preparation for this new event, players everywhere are gearing up to stock Pinap Berries and Poke Balls for the big week Niantic has planned.
Shiny Pokemon are some of the most valuable types of creatures the franchise has to offer. They sport a different color pallet, as well as a fancy particle effect upon entering a battle, and players everywhere are drawn to this rare variety of Pokemon due to how unlikely the average trainer is to find them, with a spawn rate of around 1/500 in the mobile game.
However, Niantic is notoriously picky when it comes to what creatures they allow to appear in their shiny variations on live servers.
While players cannot find Shiny Drilbur in Pokemon GO at this exact moment as of writing, Drilbur's shiny form making its debut is marketed as the main draw for the mobile title's upcoming Sustainability Week event starting on April 20. This means players will be able to find their own Shiny Drilbur once the event goes live.
Tips for finding Shiny Drilbur in Pokemon GO
Players may find themselves in need of some pointers when it comes to how they can make getting this rare creature as easy as possible. Thankfully, there are a handful of different shiny hunting methods in Pokemon GO that players have been using for years. These methods are relatively easy to understand, making them accessible to players of all skill levels.
During the Sustainability Week event, players will have their choice of four different ways they can go about finding Drilbur. The Pokemon will have an increased wild spawn rate, will be able to be hatched from two-kilometer eggs, and can also be found from field and timed research. The easiest of the four to replicate are the wild encounters and the hatching method.
Finding Shiny Pokemon through wild encounters is often the most preferred method as it can be done without being mobile. To maximize efficiency when it comes to grinding wild encounters, players have three factors to consider: weather, the use of Incenses, and the use of Lure Modules.
Weather plays a key role in determining which creatures can spawn in a given area in Pokemon GO. Since Drilbur is a pure Ground-type, it will have the highest chance of spawning in sunny weather. Players in these optimal weather conditions can then use Incenses as well as Lure Modules on nearby Pokestops to further increase the likelihood of Drilbur spawning.
For players looking to find their Shiny Drilbur in Pokemon GO through hatching eggs, it can only be done from two-kilometer eggs. As such, they will need to stock up on eggs during this event. Two-kilometer eggs can be found by spinning the photo disk located at every Gym and Pokestop.
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